
Wednesday, December 25, 2024


This small North Carolina town transforms 

into a

 Whimsical Holiday Wonderland  

every winter.

The  population of McAdenville, North Carolina is less than 1,000


their Christmas spirit is UNMEASUREABLE!

Back in 1956, W.J. Pharr, the founder of the textile company, Pharr was searching for a way to bring more holiday spirit to the 1.5 square mile North Carolina town of McAdenville. He, along with the town's men's club came up with the idea to decorate the trees around the community center with red, white and green lights. Now, nearly 70 years later, the tradition has grown into one of the nation's most famous celebrations, as the town of 1,000 transforms into Christmas Town USA.  There are more than 250 evergreens, 100 meticulously decorated homes, half a million lights and most impressively, a lake full of floating Christmas trees .. all in the three original colors.  It is estimated some 600,000 people pass through to catch a glimpse of the magical scene.

It was the First Lady of McAdenville, as townfolks called Mrs. Catherine Pharr who wanted the town to stick to the traditional red, white and green lights which it still does.  After a trip to Europe in the late 50s Mr. and Mrs.Pharr brought back another idea.  They instituted a Yule Log parade and lighting ceremony for the start of every holiday season.  The log is placed on a wagon and pulled down Main Street by dozens of local children to the Community Center. That's where William Pharr would light the Yule log.  Now,  the center is Legacy Park where a more modern lighting ceremony takes place and Pharr's grandson, Bill Carstarphen welcomes guests.  With the help of a lucky student chosen from McAdenville Elementary, they throw the switch, an entire town applauds and for 26 glorious days McAdenville becomes .. Christmas Town USA. 

This isn't just a one-day parade or event .. Christmas Town USA is a 26-day lifestyle!  Every night, it transforms into this magical place where people are driving, walking and enjoying the lights with their families and friends.

John Searby, CEO and Executive Director of Catawba Riverkeeper 

During the 26-day event, the holiday lights stay on from 5:30 p.m. to 10 p.m.

Merry Christmas from McAdenville

On a personal note, during our time in North Carolina for several winter seasons my husband and I had the opportunity to experience Christmas Town USA, first-hand.  Our friend Steve Rankin, official photographer of Christmas Town USA, greeted us at the Yule Log ceremony and the first night of the town's 26-day holiday celebration. 

Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Rankin. 


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